pPLUS® AAV-Helper is a novel helper plasmid designed for AAV production. This plasmid has been optimized for triple transfection of HEK293 cells in s...

Life Sciences
Tailor-made DNA plasmid that really fits your needs
Innovative assembly Technology (e-Zyvec®)
Seamless DNA assembly to produce very complex plasmids
De-risking plasmid engineering
Access to dedicated plasmid experts and online software to support your project
Reliable plasmid sequence
Full-length plasmid sequencing included
Ready-to-use discovery grade plasmids from 3 weeks from ordering
At Polyplus, we have developed a unique and innovative DNA assembly technology(e-Zyvec®) to offer tailor-made plasmid engineering and production services for plasmids, from Discovery grade to GMP grade manufacturing. Our e-Zyvec® assembly technology is based on the use of linear DNA bricks, designed and build to produce the final plasmid construct. Plasmid design is therefore flexible and accurate, allowing the generation of any plasmid from the easiest to the most sophisticated one.
Our Plasmid Experts are here to identify your needs from the start of your project, you will receive ready-to-use plasmids that will fit with your project expectation and full-length validated by Next Generation Sequencing as QC. Using our online plasmid platform, you can design your plasmid and share it with your team & our experts to be reviewed!
Move, choose and paste sequence as you want, everything is flexible .
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You have access to all the documents related to the transfection reagent.
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This lexicon will help you to understand the different terms related to Polyplus-transfection®.