in vivo-jetPEI® is a ready-to-use cationic polymer reagent recommended for in vivo transfection of DNA, siRNA, miRNA, shRNA and other oligonucleotide...
Check out this new webinar on "in vivo delivery from study to gene therapy: overview, considerations and challenges" and learn how to successfully deliver nucleic acids in vivo.
Several topics are covered like the methods to generate an animal model, key parameters to consider beforehand and how to address in vivo delivery challenges.
in vivo jetPEI Product Range Contact us for more information
Find below the Labtube Version, for people who don’t have access to Youtube: Watch on Labtube
0:29 in vivo nucleic acid delivery:
1:10 Why?
2:35 How?
4:40 What?
5:52 in vivo jetPEI®: easy, injectable, safe
9:40 in vivo delivery case studies:
9:50 AnxA2 function study
11:37 HIV-infected CNS attenuation
12:50 in vivo for gene therapy
13:15 in vivo jetPEI® Product Range: from R&D to Clinical Trials
15:42 Toolbox: transfection database, scientific materials