Lentiviral vectors are recognized to be the carrier of choice for allogenic or autologous cell therapies (such as CAR-T) because of its capacity to permanently integrate viral genome into host cell DNA. To produce those vectors, cell therapy producers generally use a transient transfection system that is scaled-up during process development phases. FectoVIR®-LV is the next generation of transfection reagent, free of animal component, designed to improve LV productivity in HEK-293 cell systems. FectoVIR®-LV is made for large scale manufacturing with reduction of the complexation volume and increased complex stability. The FectoVIR®-LV benefits allow to increase number of doses produced per batch to treat more patient, while decreasing LV manufacturing costs. 

Here is a video presented by Maxime DUMONT our Global Product Manager to brief you on this product .


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