
  • Authors: Chaurasiya, S., Chen, N. G., Lu, J., Martin, N., Shen, Y., Kim, S. I., Warner, S. G., Woo, Y., Fong, Y.
  • Year: 2019
  • Journal: Cancer Gene Ther
  • Applications: in vitro / DNA / jetPRIME
  • Cell type: CV-1
    Description: African green monkey fibroblast cells
    Known as: CV1


Chimeric poxvirus CF33 production


Oncolytic viruses have shown excellent safety profiles in preclinical and clinical studies; however, in most cases therapeutic benefits have been modest. We have previously reported the generation of a chimeric poxvirus (CF33), with significantly improved oncolytic characteristics, through chimerization among different poxviruses. Here we report the sequence analysis of CF33 and oncolytic potential of a GFP-encoding CF33 virus (CF33-GFP) with a J2R deletion in lung cancer models. Replication of CF33-GFP and the resulting cytotoxicity were higher in cancer cell lines compared to a normal cell line, in vitro. After infection with virus, cancer cells expressed markers for immunogenic cell death in vitro. Furthermore, CF33-GFP was safe and exerted potent anti-tumor effects at a dose as low as 1000 plaque forming units in both virus-injected and un-injected distant tumors in A549 tumor xenograft model in mice. Likewise, in a syngeneic model of lung cancer in mice, the virus showed significant anti-tumor effect and was found to increase tumor infiltration by CD8+ T cells. Collectively, these data warrant further investigation of this novel chimeric poxvirus for its potential use as a cancer bio-therapeutic.

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