pPLUS® AAV-RC range is a set of ready-to-use RepCap plasmids for AAV production of various serotypes through triple transfection. Optimized for use w...

Meet Alain Cuzange, Business Director, at the International Conference on Stem Cells and Cancer in Lyon (France), November 15-16th, 2016.
The convention will take place at École normale supérieure de Lyon.
Amphi Mérieux
46 Allée d’Italie, 69007 Lyon, France
Tel: +33 4 72 72 80 00
We participate to its conference in partnership with our distributor Ozyme® that can provide you a large range of material for Life Sciences including Polyplus-transfection reagents.
jetMESSENGER® is a new mRNA transfection reagent designed to provide high transfection efficiency in hard-to-transfect cells such as primary cells, neurons, suspension cells and various cancer cell lines. mRNA transfection is as easy as DNA transfection, with the advantage that mRNA does not need to reach the cell nucleus for expression and does not require cell division for efficient gene expression. Hence, cells that are slow dividing or that have developed specific mechanisms to protect their genome can finally be used for gene expression.
jetPRIME® is a powerful and versatile DNA and siRNA transfection reagent for day-to-day experiments that leads to efficient and reliable scientific results. jetPRIME® ensures high DNA transfection efficiency and excellent gene silencing in a variety of adherent cells. jetPRIME® is also ideal for DNA/siRNA co-transfection or co-delivery of several plasmids. Furthermore, our jetPRIME® reagent is very gentle on cells since it requires low amounts of reagent and nucleic acid during transfection.
INTERFERin® provides very high silencing efficiency already at 1 nM siRNA and can be used in more in a wide variety of adherent and suspension cells. Using low concentration of siRNA avoids off-target effects, and its gentle mode of action ensure more robust data and excellent cell viability. Easy to use thanks to its compatibility with serum and antibiotics, INTERFERin® is also perfectly suited for transfection of miRNA and other oligonucleotides like pre-miRNA, mimic miRNA, antimiR….