in vivo-jetPEI® is a ready-to-used polymer-based transfection reagent suitable for delivery of any type of nucleic acid such as DNA, siRNA, mimic miRNA and other oligonucleotides in vivo 

in vivo-jetRNA®+ is a ready-to-used lipid-based transfection reagent which has been specifically developed to deliver mRNA in vivo. 

LipidBrick® is a range of cationic lipids dedicated to the formulation of lipid nanoparticles (LNPs). These active lipids protect the mRNA molecules and play an important role in the transfection capacity of LNPs.  

in vivo-jetPEI®  is ideal for nucleic acid delivery in mice. However, the protocol is so easy and versatile that it has been adapted to many other species including rats, mosquitoes, shrimps, guinea pigs, macaques…  

Regarding in vivo-jetRNA®+, it is also a ready-to-use reagent with a very simple 2-step protocol. Being a more recent reagent (launched at the end of 2022), it has so far been used in mice and rats. 

Please feel to contact our Scientific Support team to adapt the protocol to your animal model (contact us).

in vivojetRNA®+ and in vivojetPEI®are suitable for systemic and local nucleic acid delivery. Several ways of administration have been successfully tested such as intravenous injection (tail vein and retroorbital), intraperitoneal injection, intratumoral injection, intracerebral injection, intranasal instillation, as detailed in this poster. 

The delivery procedure highly depends on the organ to target. Depending on the route of administration, in vivo-jetRNA®+ or in vivo-jetPEI®-mediated gene expression is observed in the brain, liver, pancreas, spleen, kidney, heart, bladder, skin, retina, etc.  

Importantly, by being based on an imidazolium polar head, LipidBrick® broadens the spectrum of current LNP applications in terms of potency and biodistribution by adding an overall positive charge to LNPs: this translates into greater delivery of mRNA to the lungs and spleen while reducing accumulation in the liver compared to LNPs based on ionisable lipids. 

Please contact our Scientific Support team for more advice (contact us). 

Complexes formed between nucleic acid and in vivo-jetPEI® do not form aggregates over time and are stable for at least 4 hours at room temperature or 37 °C and for up to 7 days at 4°C.  

On the other hand, mRNA/in vivo-jetRNA®+ complexes are stable for at up to 72 hours at room temperature and for up to 1 month at 4°C.  

Hence, complexes can be prepared in advance, which is therefore compatible with the use of osmotic pumps for continuous delivery. 

Polyplus® offers a GMP grade in vivo-jetPEI® which is manufactured in compliance with both US and EU current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) suitable for use in clinical trials in Human from phase I to phase III. This reagent is used in a growing number of therapies worldwide. 

Although in vivo-jetRNA®+ has yet to be available in GMP grade, there is the possibility to develop GMP grade upon customer request (involving 12 to 18 months of development and a minimum order quantity). 

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