Setting up a highly efficient transfection process can be tedious and time consuming. So can optimization of transfection conditions for a specific cell line or in a specific cell environment such a 3D culture. Some cell lines are difficult to transfect and require tweaking of the standard protocol. Polyplus-transfection® offers personalized transfection services to remove the hurdle from your shoulders and allow you to focus on what really matters.
Transfection protocol optimization
Achieve high transfection efficiencies and viabilities through a fully optimized protocol, without wasting time. Rely on our expert scientists to optimize your transfection conditions in your own cell line with your plasmid of interest. Over the past 15 years we have gained expertise on a wide variety of hard to transfect cells and with a whole range of transfection solutions. We also offer to optimize your transfection conditions for very specific applications, such as cell grown in a gel matrix or 3D culture.
You will be provided with a fully personalized protocol and with a detailed report on transfection efficiency and cell viability.
Please contact us to request details or a quote.
Validation of your results
You may be an expert in plasmid production, protein purification or prokaryotic culture, but you are not equipped for transient transfection of mammalian cell culture. Polyplus-transfection® expert scientists can perform transfection experiments in their fully dedicated laboratory to validate your results.
You will be provided with a full detailed report indicating transfection efficiency and cell viability. Other parameters can also be analyzed on request.