FectoPRO is a transfection reagent specifically optimized for transient protein and antibody expression in CHO and HEK293 cells.

Meet our team at mAb design booth during the Annual Festival of Biologics in Basel, Switzerland – October 15-17th, 2019. There are two parts to the Festival of Biologics: four conferences covering Antibodies, Immunotherapy, Biosimilars and Clinical Trials and an exhibition featuring solutions for pharma and biotech.
PEIpro® product range for a scalable viral vector production for Gene & Cell therapy.
FectoPRO® Transfection kit is specifically designed for enhanced Transient Gene Expression (TGE) in suspension CHO and HEK-293 cells in various serum-free media, using low DNA amount (< 1 µg/ml of cell culture)
The convention will take place at the Congress Center in Basel, CH.