
  • Authors: Eisenhut P. et al.
  • Year: 2024
  • Journal: J Biotechnol . 393 128-139
  • Applications: in vitro / DNA / FectoVIR-AAV
  • Cell type: HEK-293
    Description: Human embryonic kidney Fibroblast
    Known as: HEK293, 293


rAAV9 vectors were produced using HEK293 cells in suspension culture and serum-free, and cultivated in FreeStyle™ F17. Batch cultures were cultivated in 10 L bioreactors at +37 °C in a humidified atmosphere containing 5 % CO2 and with constant stirring at 235 rpm. Transient transfection of HEK293 cells with three plasmids containing Adenovirus 5 Helper genes, Rep2Cap9, and either a correct DNA sequence version of alpha-glucosidase gene or a correct DNA sequence version of alpha-galactosidase gene, respectively, delivered with FectoVIR-AAV®.


Recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) is the most widely used viral vector for in vivo human gene therapy. To ensure safety and efficacy of gene therapy products, a comprehensive analytical profile of the rAAVs is needed, which provides crucial information for therapeutic development and manufacturing. Besides information on rAAV quantities and possible contaminating DNA and protein species, assessing rAAV quality is of utmost importance. In vitro biopotency and methods to determine the full/empty ratio of rAAV capsids are commonly applied, but methods to assess the integrity of the viral genome are still rarely used. Here we describe an orthogonal approach to characterize rAAV quality. Two biologically different rAAV9s from different stages of the bioprocess, generated each with two different transfection reagents, were investigated. In vitro biopotency tests in all cases demonstrated that rAAV9s generated with transfection reagent FectoVIR® possessed a higher biological activity. Mass-based analytical methods, such as sedimentation velocity analytical ultracentrifugation (AUC) and mass photometry, showed a high share of full capsids (>80 %) at late process stages but did not detect any differences in the rAAV9s from the different transfection reagents. Multiplex dPCR and Nanopore long-read sequencing both demonstrated that, also in late-stage process samples, sample heterogeneity was relatively high with a rather small share of full-length transgenes of ∼10–40 %. Intriguingly, both methods detected a higher share of complete transgenes in rAAV9 generated with transfection reagent FectoVIR® instead of Polyethylenimine (PEI), and thereby explain the differences already observed in the biopotency assays. This study therefore emphasizes the necessity to utilize multiple, orthogonal methods to gain a better understanding of recombinantly manufactured AAVs.

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