- Authors: Alahari, S., Post, M., Caniggia, I.
- Year: 2015
- Journal: Endocrinology 156 3012-25
- Applications: in vitro / DNA, siRNA / jetPRIME
- Cell type: JEG-3
DNA transfections: JEG-3 cells were transfected at 60-80% confluency in 6 well plates by using 1 µg of DNA
siRNA transfections: 30nM siRNA
Persistent low oxygen is implicated in the pathogenesis of placental-associated pathologies such as preeclampsia, a serious disorder of pregnancy. Emerging evidence implicates a novel family of Jumonji C catalytic domain proteins as mediators of hypoxic gene expression. Here, we investigated the regulatory relationship between Jumonji C domain containing protein 6 (JMJD6) and hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)1A in the human placenta at physiological and pathological conditions. JMJD6 expression inversely correlated with changes in oxygen tension during early placental development, ie, high at 7-9 weeks when-partial pressure of O2 is low and declining afterwards when-partial pressure of O2 increases. Moreover, JMJD6 protein was significantly elevated in early-onset preeclamptic placentae, localizing to the syncytiotrophoblast layer and syncytial knots. Exposure of primary isolated trophoblast cells, human villous explants, and JEG3 choriocarcinoma cells to low oxygen (3%) and sodium nitroprusside (inducer of oxidative stress) also resulted in elevated JMJD6 levels, which was abrogated by HIF1A knockdown. In normoxia, knockdown of JMJD6 in JEG3 cells stabilized HIF1A with a concomitant decrease in von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) tumor suppressor protein, a negative regulator of HIF1A stability. In contrast, overexpression of JMJD6 enhanced VHL expression and destabilized HIF1A. JMJD6 regulation of VHL stability did not involve the ubiquitin-proteasome system but likely occurred through lysyl hydroxylation and small ubiquitin-like modifier 1-dependent small ubiquitin-like modifierylation. In summary, our data signify a novel role for JMJD6 as an oxygen sensor in the human placenta, and alterations in the JMJD6-VHL-HIF1A feedback loop may indirectly contribute to elevated HIF1A found in preeclampsia.