
  • Authors: Park J. et al.
  • Year: 2023
  • Journal: Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 120 e2212255120
  • Applications: in vitro / DNA / jetOPTIMUS
  • Cell type: U-2 OS
    Description: Human bone osteosarcoma
    Known as: U2OS


Generation of Per KI Cell Lines. For all CRISPR-induced mutations, sgRNAs were selected via CHOPCHOP (, cloned into pAdTrackCas9-DEST, and tested for efficiency by T7E1 assay as described previously [Jin et al. (57)]. wt U2OS cells were transfected with all-in-one pAdTrack-Cas9-DEST plasmids (sgRNA sequence described in SI Appendix, Table S1 and T7E1 primers described in SI Appendix, Table S2) and linear repair templates (SI Appendix, Figs. S10 and S11) using jetOPTIMUS according to the manufacturer’s protocol (jetOPTIMUS transfection reagent, Polyplus).


Adverse consequences from having a faulty circadian clock include compromised sleep quality and poor performance in the short-term, and metabolic diseases and cancer in the long-term. However, our understanding of circadian disorders is limited by the incompleteness of our molecular models and our dearth of defined mutant models. Because it would be prohibitively expensive to develop live animal models to study the full range of complicated clock mechanisms, we developed PER1-luc and PER2-luc endogenous circadian reporters in a validated clock cell model, U-2 OS, where the genome can be easily manipulated, and functional consequences of mutations can be accurately studied. When major clock genes were knocked out in these cells, circadian rhythms were modulated similarly compared with corresponding mutant mice, validating the platform for genetics studies. Using these reporter cells, we uncovered critical differences between two paralogs of PER. Although PER1 and PER2 are considered redundant and either one can serve as a pacemaker alone, they were dramatically different in biochemical parameters such as stability and phosphorylation kinetics. Consistently, circadian phase was dramatically different between PER1 and PER2 knockout reporter cells. We further showed that the stable binding of casein kinase1δ/ε to PER is not required for PER phosphorylation itself, but is critical for delayed timing of phosphorylation. Our system can be used as an efficient platform to study circadian disorders associated with pathogenic mutations and their underlying molecular mechanisms.

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