Search for publications in the Transfection Database with Polyplus transfection reagents or for transfection conditions.

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Found 5869 results :
Cell Linein vitro
in vivo
Delivered MoleculeReagentResults & Citations
Svezia B. et al. (2019)

Eur J Nutr ,
Tuscany Sangiovese grape juice imparts cardioprotection by regulating gene expression of cardioprotective C-type natriuretic peptide
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HEK-293T/17in vitroDNAjetPRIME
Martinez BA. et al. (2020)

Elife 9, 49917
An alternatively spliced, non-signaling insulin receptor modulates insulin sensitivity via insulin peptide sequestration in C. elegans
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HCAVSMCin vitroProtein/Peptide/AntibodyPULSin
Evans BC. et al. (2019)

Nat Commun 10, 5012
An anionic, endosome-escaping polymer to potentiate intracellular delivery of cationic peptides, biomacromolecules, and nanoparticles
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C2C12, LLCin vitrosiRNAjetPRIME
Sanchez BJ. et al. (2019)

Nat Commun 10, 4171
Depletion of HuR in murine skeletal muscle enhances exercise endurance and prevents cancer-induced muscle atrophy
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Expi293Fin vitroDNAFectoPRO
Elmer BM. et al. (2019)

PLoS One 14, e0226245
Gene delivery of a modified antibody to A
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LX-2in vitromiRNA, siRNAINTERFERin
Yuan BY. et al. (2019)

Radiat Res 192, 621-629
MicroRNA-146a-5p Attenuates Fibrosis-related Molecules in Irradiated and TGF-beta1-Treated Human Hepatic Stellate Cells by Regulating PTPRA-SRC Signaling
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ESCsin vitroDNAjetPRIME
Ameneiro C. et al. (2020)

Life Sci ,
BMAL1 coordinates energy metabolism and differentiation of pluripotent stem cells
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HEK-293in vitroDNAjetPEI
Alvarez-Salamero C. et al. (2020)

PLoS Biol ,
IL-23 signaling regulation of pro-inflammatory T-cell migration uncovered by phosphoproteomics
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HEK-293Tin vitroDNAjetPRIME
Banella C. et al. (2019)

Cancers 12, 95
PML/RARa Interferes with NRF2 Transcriptional Activity Increasing the Sensitivity to Ascorbate of Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia Cells
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Fibroblastin vitroDNA, siRNAjetPRIME
Desgrouas C. et al. (2020)

Cells 9, 310
Unraveling LMNA Mutations in Metabolic Syndrome: Cellular Phenotype and Clinical Pitfalls
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