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Life Sciences
Versatile DNA/siRNA transfection reagent
One reagent for DNA and siRNA transfection
Time saving
Easy to use transfection reagent
Gentle on cells
Low cytotoxicity
Requires less DNA and less reagent for efficient transfection
Reagent | jetPRIME® |
Molecule delivered | DNA, siRNA, DNA & siRNA |
Applications | Plasmid transfection |
Cell types | Adherent cells |
Number of transfections | 1.5 ml of jetPRIME® transfection reagent is sufficient to perform up to 1500 transfections in 24-well plates or 375 transfections in 6-well plates |
Storage | Store jetPRIME® at 5 °C ± 3°C. |
Provided with | jetPRIME® buffer |
jetPRIME® is a polyvalent transfection reagent that ensures effective and reproducible DNA and siRNA transfection in several adherent cell lines. This versatile reagent is also perfect for co-transfection of DNA and siRNA. Transfection with jetPRIME® requires only low amounts of nucleic acid, hence resulting in very low cytotoxicity.
jetPRIME® is suited for different applications, such as plasmid transfection, gene silencing, co-transfection of different nucleic acids, and CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene knock-out.
Reference Number | Amount of reagent | Amount of buffer |
101000027 | jetPRIME® 0.1 mL | 5 ml |
101000015 | jetPRIME® 0.75 mL | 60 ml |
101000046 | jetPRIME® 1.5 mL | 2 x 60 ml |
101000001 | jetPRIME® 5 x 1.5 mL | 10 x 60 ml |
201000003 | - | jetPRIME® buffer 60 ml |
114-01 | 0.1 ml | 5 ml |
114-07 | 0.75 ml | 60 ml |
114-15 | 1.5 ml | 2 x 60 ml |
114-75 | 5 x 1.5 ml | 10 x 60 ml |
712-60 | x | 60mL |