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Found 2059 results :
Cell Linein vitro
in vivo
Delivered MoleculeReagentResults & Citations
HeLa, U-2 OSin vitroDNA, siRNAjetPRIME
Baez, M. V. et al. (2011)

J Cell Biol 195, 1141-57
Smaug1 mRNA-silencing foci respond to NMDA and modulate synapse formation
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HEK001, HeLain vitroDNAjetPEI, jetPRIME
Banach-Latapy, A. et al. (2013)

Free Radic Biol Med 65C, 436-445
Redox-sensitive YFP sensors for monitoring dynamic compartment-specific glutathione redox state
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Mouse primary hepatocytesin vitroDNA, siRNAjetPRIME
Barbier-Torres, L. et al. (2015)

Oncotarget 6, 2509-23
Stabilization of LKB1 and Akt by neddylation regulates energy metabolism in liver cancer
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LMin vitroDNAjetPRIME
Baronas, V. A. et al. (2015)

J Neurosci 35, 3515-24
Use-dependent activation of neuronal Kv1.2 channel complexes
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HEK-293in vitroDNAjetPRIME
Bartesaghi, L. et al. (2015)

Eur J Neurosci 42, 1788-96
Sox4 participates in the modulation of Schwann cell myelination
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KM12C, KM12SMin vitrosiRNAjetPRIME
Bartolome, R. A. et al. (2015)

Cancer Res 75, 2434-44
IL13 Receptor alpha2 Signaling Requires a Scaffold Protein, FAM120A, to Activate the FAK and PI3K Pathways in Colon Cancer Metastasis
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3T3-L1in vitroDNAjetPRIME
Batrakou, D. G. et al. (2015)

PLoS ONE 10, e0127712
TMEM120A and B: Nuclear Envelope Transmembrane Proteins Important for Adipocyte Differentiation
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HeLain vitroDNA, siRNAINTERFERin, jetPRIME
Baumas, K. et al. (2012)

RNA Biol 9, 162-74
Human RioK3 is a novel component of cytoplasmic pre-40S pre-ribosomal particles
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NIH/3T3in vitroDNAjetPRIME
Behren, A. et al. (2010)

Oncogene 29, 1519-30
Phenotype-assisted transcriptome analysis identifies FOXM1 downstream from Ras-MKK3-p38 to regulate in vitro cellular invasion
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HEK-293Tin vitroDNAjetPRIME
Beloribi, S. et al. (2012)

PLoS One 7, e47480
Exosomal Lipids Impact Notch Signaling and Induce Death of Human Pancreatic Tumoral SOJ-6 Cells
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